Currently, Sirvoy does not offer the possibility to specify child prices and number in the room type settings. This means any child occupancy or pricing needs to be set up on your account. However, information about this will now be visible in the Sirvoy booking. Here is how it works in more detail.
Child Count
As part of your settings on, you can allow children to stay at your property. The number of children you wish to receive in each room type should therefore not be included in the “Max. number of guests” setting found when editing a room type in Sirvoy, but be selected on As from September 2020, any information about the number of children and their ages on a booking sent from also appears in Sirvoy. This information will appear as a comment in the “Internal comment” field on the booking details page.
Child Rates
If you want to have specific prices for children you allow to stay at your property, pricing rules for these can be set up on However, any bookings including child prices sent from to Sirvoy will have its total correctly reflected in the Sirvoy booking.