Sirvoy for Education The ideal property management tool for teachers and students
User-Friendly, Teacher-Friendly Easy to teach, perfect for any classroom
Handle even complex tasks with a click or two. Sirvoy is built for simplicity’s sake, making it quick and easy to both learn and teach.
Sirvoy’s cloud-based software is the perfect hospitality education tool for any classroom, remote or physical, and connects with any kind of phone, tablet, or computer.

Packages for All Curriculums From Hospitality 101 and beyond
We offer three different packages to provide the best hotel management system for educators no matter their circumstances.
Whether just introducing the concept of a booking system or unleashing your students into fictional hotels to manage, there’s a Sirvoy educational package to match.
Download our PDF to learn about our Mini, Basic, and Creative offerings.
Download pdf
Confidence for Sirvoy Beginners All packages offer personal training for teachers
Even teachers who have never used Sirvoy will quickly feel at home. But, the support doesn’t end there. Each school that signs up for a Sirvoy educational package is given an account manager to personally assist with all things Sirvoy.
See our system for yourself with our 14-day free trial and start doing your best work with Sirvoy.
Our free trial
- Includes all Sirvoy’s Pro features.
- Comes with comprehensive customer support.
- Has no strings attached and no credit card is needed.
- Can easily convert into an educational account.