New in December 2020

December 24, 2020 at 11:22 PM UTC

For an even easier overview when using Sirvoy, we are happy to tell you about some more payment-related improvements made recently.

Color Consistency for Payment Information

In order to recognize the payment status of any booking at first glance, we have added consistent color icons, each color representing a particular status for each booking:

  • Grey – not invoiced
  • Red – partially invoiced
  • Green – fully invoiced
  • Yellow – over invoiced

The advantage? On the booking list view, thanks to the color icons and colored amounts in the Invoiced and paid columns respectively, you can immediately see the financial status for each booking. When viewing an individual booking, you will also recognize the same color icon on the left booking details pane. The “balance due” amount and color will reflect the payment status of the booking or invoice, making it easier for you to monitor and process.

In relation to this development, for listed invoices, the payment information for any created invoice, as seen under the “Payment” section when viewing individual bookings, has also been improved to help you detect any further processing that needs to be done.

Removal of an Invoice-Related Setting

As announced in our recent email to you, due to the above development there was an invoice module setting that is now no longer required. Previously, it was possible to set a booking to be “considered paid” as soon as an invoice was issued. Now that all invoice statuses will always be shown (whether issued or not), this former setting is obsolete and was therefore recently removed.

Local Payment Method iDEAL Available Through Stripe for all Sirvoy Properties with EUR Currency

iDeal is a Netherlands-based payment method that was previously only available for Sirvoy hotels based in the Netherlands. But from now, it can also be enabled beyond the Netherlands if you use Stripe and have the currency for your prices set to EUR. What does it mean for you? If enabled, guests will have iDEAL as one of the available payment solutions on your booking engine and a payer with a bank account that supports iDeal will surely find the payment process even more comfortable and secure, using a solution that he or she is familiar with. iDEAL comes at no extra cost.