New in January 2022

07 February 2022, 15:17 SAST

We have made a number of improvements to our booking engine this month, to make life easier for you and your guests, and we hope you will like them. As always, we value your feedback, so feel free to get in touch with us and let us know what you think!

Better Display of Extras

We have improved the way that extras are displayed in the booking engine. Now, your guest can more easily select extras for their entire stay, while still having the option to select extras for specific days.

This applies to extra options with the setting “Keep count per day” set to ON. For example, if you offer breakfast, this is probably the setting you’ll use to print out a list of guests that will eat breakfast each morning. Such an extra now takes up less space in the booking engine and looks more visually appealing.

Facebook Pixel Tracking and Opt-Out

We have added support for Facebook Pixel tracking in our booking engine. Just fill in the Facebook Pixel ID in the booking engine settings, and you will have access to guest statistics related to the booking engine. You can either use it with Google Analytics or separately, whichever you prefer.

We have improved both the Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics tracking so that more customized tracking is now available. For example, you may have implemented a consent banner that needs to be accepted by the guest before tracking is used. This is now possible and can be implemented by using a Javascript callback function.

Changes to Bookable Period Settings

The bookable period settings have been moved from the “General options for booking engine” page to the individual booking engines so that different settings can be applied to all your booking engines.

As well as the above, you can select how close to check-in and how far ahead guests can book, giving you more flexibility.

For example, if you want to accept bookings for the same day until 18:00 when you close reception, you can select “0 days” + time “18:00” to not allow any bookings for check-in on the same day after 18:00.

For more information, please see this support article.

Enhanced Coupon Code Function

We have made a change in how coupon codes work with booking engines requiring a coupon code. Previously, a coupon code could allow you to make a booking during dates that were set as unavailable in the booking engine, since the bookable period was only derived from the coupon code validity dates. Now the effective bookable days for such booking engine are the dates that both the booking engine and the coupon code allow. This change will allow you to limit the bookable days if you choose to, but go ahead and select a large time period if you prefer not to.