Four Latest Sirvoy Features to Make Your Inner Accountant Rejoice

April 18, 2023 at 1:50 AM UTC

Whether you’re the trusted accountant or one of the 41% of small business owners who handles the bookkeeping themselves,1 Sirvoy is here to make your job easier. 

In recent weeks, Sirvoy has added and improved several key accounting features.

Prepayments Included in Accounting Reports

Payment notes for prepaid bookings can now be included in accounting reports.

This means:

  • Accurate accounting without the need to create invoices for prepayments.
  • Invoices are only needed after guests arrive. 
  • No hassle from crediting invoices for canceled bookings.

To include prepayments in accounting reports:

  1. Go to Settings -> Payments & Invoicing -> Chart of Accounts and click “Edit.”
  2. Name the ledger in the “Prepaid” field.
  3. Go to Invoicing -> Account Report and toggle on both “Include invoice payments” and “Include payment notes.”

For all the details, check out our support article “How to Handle Deposits and Prepayments.”

Chart of Accounts Rebuilt for Clarity

The Chart of Accounts has a new look! This restructure is designed to make it easier to understand each ledger’s function at a glance, especially where credit and debit ledgers are concerned. 

Ledger accounts are now grouped into three categories:

  • Revenue
  • Assets
  • Liabilities 

Uneditable Invoices

To ensure guest confidence, it is no longer possible to edit invoices or cash receipts in Sirvoy after they’ve been created, but invoices can still be credited to make adjustments to the amount owed. 

To go along with this new feature, our team is hard at work implementing draft invoices that can be saved and edited at any time until converted into a finalized and numbered invoice. Finalized invoices will be posted the same day they’re completed.

 Keep an eye on our blog or sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know about the launch!

PEPPOL Expanded 

Accepting domestic Swedish payments has never been easier. 

We’ve added the two most popular bank transfer services in Sweden, Bankgiro (BG) and Plusgiro (PG) to Sirvoy. Any Swedish Sirvoy and PEPPOL (Pan-European Public Procurement On-Line) users can now create and send invoices with BG and PG. 

Invoices including an International Bank Account Number (IBAN) continue to be a great payment option for international PEPPOL payments.


1. OnPay (Small Business Finance and HR Report, 2019)